Monday, 4 February 2013

Creatures of the morning

It’s a bad idea to have Tom the cat in the bedroom at night.  He does have this irritating habit of pummelling you with his paws about 5.00 in the morning.  I had him with me for two nights but then Tony and Jenny suggested blocking the door with something.  You can’t just shut the door because he can open it.  He takes a terrific leap at it and jiggles the handle with his paw and enters.  So I’ve been shoving a full length cheval mirror up against the door for the last couple of nights. 

I had a brief bathroom visit about 5.00 am and was going back to sleep but Tom  heard me and become very excited that somebody was actually awake.  So he took a really big leap at the door handle and then gave a great push and somehow heaved the mirror forward enough to get in.  Just like something  in the Sweeney!   I had the light off again by then and heard this sudden crash of the mirror moving forward and then felt something thump onto the bed next to me.  I thought it was Tom but I also thought it was best to put the light on and check. 

And there didn’t seem much point in trying to go back to sleep with a cat purring away on my knee.  I knew he’d only give me the pummelling treatment if I lay down. 

Which is how I was reading my book in the early hours when I realised a small frog was jumping round the room.  I did catch it, though, in a dustpan and let it out in the back garden.  Trying to get to the back door and unlock it with one hand whilst coping with a jiggling frog in a dustpan in the other hand reminded me of being in an egg and spoon race.  I couldn’t find my camera at the time, though, so I couldn’t record it. 
But I am getting better at coping with bedroom creatures. 

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